Gareth Davies MS for the Vale of Clwyd welcomes new recycle and reuse shop in Rhyl, attending the official store opening earlier this week.
Denbighshire County Council, St David’s Hospice and Bryson Recycling have come together to open the charity shop at Rhyl’s recycling centre.
Mr Davies said: “I think this is a wonderful initiative and great to see Denbighshire County Council and Bryson Recycling working together with St David’s Hospice for the benefit of local people and the charity.
“We are all probably guilty of taking unwanted items to be recycled and I am delighted to see more use being made of things we throw away.”
The shop aims to extend the life of reusable household items while raising donations for St David’s Hospice a very worthwhile charity which relies on public funding.
It will also reduce waste to landfill and help to increase Denbighshire County Council’s recycling rate.
Eric Randall, Director of Bryson Recycling said: “We are delighted to see the St David’s Hospice Reuse Shop now open at our site. We encourage anyone visiting our sites to choose to reuse, as it is even better than recycling. As a social enterprise we were keen to deliver a project like this that brings together all three strands of environmental, economic and social well-being”.
Margaret Hollings, Commercial Director of St David’s Hospice added “This is an excellent way to give unwanted items a new lease of life while helping us provide care for local adult patients with life limiting illnesses or those in need of end of life care, and their families”.
Member of the Senedd for North Wales Sam Rowlands MS added: “I am a great supporter of recycling goods and unwanted items and I welcome this innovative idea.
“It is good to see a shop opening where many perfectly reusable items, left as waste at our recycling centres, are being sold on for charity.
“It is also good from an environment point of view as less things will be sent to landfills which of course benefits us all in the future. Praise must go to all three organisations for developing this pioneering idea.”
The shop is open seven days a week from 9am to 4.30pm (9am – 4pm from November to March) and from 9am – 3.30pm on Sundays.